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Technology and the Employee of Today

In the digital landscape of 2017, businesses that want to maintain a competitive edge are implementing new technologies as soon as they hit the market, realising it impacts every element of their day to day operations. Most businesses understand technology will the affect operating systems and processes of their organisation – clever businesses are also realising technology affects the employees they attract, recruit and retain.  

But why is employee engagement so important?  An engaged employee is a productive employee, they care about the results they achieve, they believe in working toward a common goal, and they foster long lasting relationships with internal and external customers. In addition, an engaged employee means lower employment turnover, reduced recruitment costs and consistency in the workplace. 

Digital Workspaces

Virtual workspaces mean today’s employees have freedom around recruitment – they aren’t bound by physical location when it comes to a job anymore.  People can choose to work the hours they want, in the job they want (which may or may not be in the same country as them), and do it all from the comfort of their own home. Therefore, they are looking for businesses who have implemented these tools and technologies into their operating systems. Employees expect cloud based solutions such as Office 365, which give them the flexibility and freedom to schedule work and life commitments accordingly.  

Digital design and employee morale

Smart organisations recognise that digital tools in the workplace need to be designed and deployed with the employee’s point of view in mind. After all, employees are consumers, and they are already using personal digital technology in their daily lives. They want to enjoy and experience the same technologies in their working life.  So, the business that brings new technologies and digital tools into the workplace shows employees that they ‘get them’, that they trust them to use them correctly and will feel more empowered and work harder as a result.

Video is the new email

Email has been to go to technology for many years now however these days, inboxes are overflowing and users are suffering from email fatigue.  Innovative businesses are now video, web conferencing and instant chat such as Yammer or Skype for Business to communicate instead.  It’s quick, interesting, and purposeful, not to mention more targeted and relevant.  Video is vast becoming the go to technology for attracting customers so why shouldn’t it be used to communicate with employees as well?

Think about it, you’re probably much more likely to remember something you saw on a quick, creative video, rather than just another wordy, group email.  Businesses are listening with many developing videos as a fresh and interesting way of delivering information such as on-boarding programs, employee training, and company announcements.  


In addition to video many businesses are also turning to gamification – which is the ‘gamifying’ certain activities in the workplace in an effort to drive positive change and results.  Gamification is immersive and exciting and employees get a kick of out taking part – after all, it is human nature to compete, achieve and be rewarded.  Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 is a gamification solution and is a fun and immersive way of driving collaboration and competition amongst employees, boosting productivity and engagement at the same time, after all, it is human nature to compete, achieve and be rewarded.   

The digital age is here. Going forward, businesses that embrace digital technologies and provide employees the tools they want and need to succeed will reap the benefits that come from having a more fully engaged and motivated workforce.  When employees can easily access, and enjoy using the tools they work with, productivity and quality increases, meaning you can deliver a superior product to your customer.  

Find out how technology can motivate your team today.